

I am thankful for so many things this year, but mostly I am thankful that we are here, celebrating Thanksgiving.

This year has been incredible and crazy. When Mollie was diagnosed with leukemia, my top 5 priorities pulled way ahead of the other priorities on the list. I am so thankful to my friends and family for recognizing this and not putting pressure on us.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I like the food and flavors, the decorations, the warmth. But mostly I just enjoy spending time with family and having no agenda. We don't have to go anywhere. We are just going to enjoy the day.


Nicola said...

what were your top 5?

PleaseRecycle said...

Oops! I meant to say top "3":

Mollie's and Lucy's health and well-being

family health and togetherness

our marriage

Mollie's diagnosis really helped us realize the things that are truly important. Really. It's something I can't quite explain, but suddenly there were so many things that I was involved with or worried about that didn't REALLY matter.